LAST new moon of the year! directly following 12.12.12. we have a lot of beautiful planetary alignments. yesterday supported us to invite forgiveness – healing old wounds.
todays forecast: supermoon (90% or more full, tides will also be much stronger) AND sun in sagitarrius.
the 28 day cycle of our moon allows us to reset our internal clocks. also known as the dark moon, the new moon is not easily visible to the eye. a clean slate for manifesting new ideas and planting new seeds. this new moon, we have support of mutable fire sign, sagitarrius. this visionary sign encourages us to take risks. dream big!! allow yourself to be curious and explore your love for travel and adventure. the symbol for sagitarrius is an ‘archer‘. the half man half horse. intellectual, philosophical human mind and carnal instinct with physical strength of an animal working as one. with a bow and arrow, our mark needs to be intentional. passionate and dedicated. if you need to take the time to ‘sharpen you arrows’ by clearing away things that are not serving you so that you can refocus your attention, do so.
the energy of the moon brings quiet, introspective times. last new moon of scorpio, we dealt with rebirth and death. now moving into sagitarrius – the sign of truth(opposite of gemini, sign of deception). were seeking bigger answers. honor your truth. you may have to consider what you are willing to give up in order to pursue your dreams. as always, its time to open our hearts in spite of our fears.
sagitarrius is ruled by jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. planet of expansion, luck and fortune, often giving us a sense of purpose. bringing fulfillment and happiness. during this supermoon, there will also be an increase in the electromagnetic and gravitational pulls on the earth, the oceans and people. the downward drain of apana ( ‘the air that moves away) vayu will be very powerful. take time to rest in order to create abundance. *
enjoy some of these peaceful, reflective and restorative poses. holding for at least 5 breaths (preferably 2-7 minutes with deep ujjayi breath). keep your awareness on the downward energy in your body. lower abdominals, pelvis, legs and down through your feet, circulating back into the earth. intending to eliminate waste built up over time in the body. breathe into your kidneys, colon, genitals, rectum and bladder. focusing on the exhale.
* vrksasana / tree pose * paschimottanasana /seated forward bend * anjaneasana / low runners lunge* prasarita padottanasana / wide legged forward bend*